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    【Cider RULES】 John Irving is an amazing, vibrant and poignant storyteller. Most writers just write, but read any book by John Irving, and you feel as though you actually known the characters forever. You feel like you\'re listening to a story rather than reading it. Cider House Rules is a story of growing up both literally and metaphorically; we see the main character develop from the black and white world of childhood to the pretty grey world of grown-ups where everything is just more complicated. The Cider House Rules has been ignored by the popular media for so long it was in danger of becoming lost! It\'s about time it got the praise & notice it deserves. Like all John Irving books, Cider House delves deeply into the hidden recesses of the human heart. Showing lovable, believable characters as both the heroes and villians of their own lives, Irving creates an atmosphere of companionship- his characters feel like friends. As mentioned by another reviewer, even characters you don\'t like are impossible to hate. This book, too, is the original pro-choice/ pro-life argument, with its core wrapped around the issue of the sanctity of life versus the unwanted children, both in the orphanage and the Dr.\'s \"patients\". Truly a \"deep\" book, with layers of meaning that will have you reading it over and over.*** Irving captures the entire process in an especially captivating way and Cider House Rules is a book I\'m sure most people are able to relate to. The best part about reading anything by John Irving is that no detail is lost and each word (and idea) is threaded into his work like a tapestry. Anyone who enjoys Irving might also enjoy reading Banana Yoshimoto, a young Japanese writer whose crisp prose, like Irving\'s, seduces the reader into her text. My favorite story by her is called Kitchen. Irving also reminds me of Milan Kundera, author of the Unbearable Lightness of Being.★★★★★ House

    • hiro0631
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    バネ式で本当にピアスの様に見えてとてもかわいいです。 一日中つけても落ちることなく満足です。

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    • oh yhee
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